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The ages of 3 to 5 are sometimes called the “magic years,” and the age of 4 is smack dab in the middle. At 4, children are becoming more independent, using their mobility to exude a natural sense of wonder and desire to discover. Preschoolers are also more apt to share, making it the perfect age for playdates.

So what can 4-year-olds play with during said playdates (or independently)? Fortunately, there are tons of toys for 4-year-olds that can encourage their imagination and help fine-tune motor skills through carefree, unstructured playtime.

To help parents and gift givers who are making holiday lists and checking them twice, we scoured popular big-box retailers for top toys. We narrowed it down by looking at reviews – only products with 4.5 stars and above made the nice list. From big-ticket classics like cars and Legos to STEM toys that make at-home learning a blast, these are the best toys and gifts for 4-year-olds this year.