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Whether you’re participating in Dry January or are looking for a long-term alcohol alternative, there’s never been a better time to consider swapping your ABV intake for cannabis-derived THC and CBD. The rise of the sober-curious movement, coupled with expanding marijuana legalization and resulting de-stigmatization, has triggered an explosion of consumer-friendly cannabis products. With micro-dosed options that balance the psycho-active components of THC with the body-relaxation qualities of CBD, the right cannabis product can simulate the effects of alcohol, minus the calories and hangover.

Sober(ish) founder Kim Gamez launched her nonalcoholic marketplace in 2023 after testing countless alcohol-alternative products with her mom on TikTok. The brand’s bestselling Sober(ish) Drops combine Delta-9 THC and CBD and offer a wine-like buzz that kicks in within five to 10 minutes after consumption. Needless to say, it captured the attention of our three editors, who tested it for themselves. Keep reading for photos and more details on what it felt like, how they used it, and their star ratings.