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When it comes to wellness trends, diffusers never get old. Aromatherapy is a time-tested practice used all around the world to soothe anxiety and stress, sinus and sleep issues – even chronic pain and certain skin conditions. But regardless of the innumerable benefits of aromatherapy, who’s ever been mad about catching a whiff of something delicious?

Diffusers, which use essential oils to fill any space with calming scents, involve less hassle (and flammability) than a candle or an aerosol spray. Whether you’re a lilac lover or a fiend for french vanilla, diffusers are widely beloved by massage therapists and aromatherapy professionals for the peace and calm they endow upon a room.

If you’re looking to drastically change up the vibes of your home or office without putting in much effort, the following essential oil diffusers will transform any space – whether it’s a bathroom, bedroom, or living room – into a calming oasis. Inhale. Exhale. Much better.