If you’re looking to get stronger in your upper body, dumbbell arm workouts are the way to go. You don’t need access to tons of equipment and gym machines; with a pair of dumbbells, a solid selection of dumbbell arm exercises, and a consistent routine (trainers recommend at least two strength training sessions per week), you’ll be able to build muscle in your shoulders, triceps, and biceps. So what are some effective weighted arm exercises you should consider adding to your next workout? We asked the experts – aka certified personal trainers – and they answered, sharing nine of the best dumbbell exercises to strengthen your arms.
Please note: we don’t recommend doing all these moves in one workout (your arms will not thank you for that). Instead, sprinkle a few throughout your weekly strength-training routine to really work your upper body. If you want to do a dedicated arm workout, start with an upper-body warmup and then pick four or five of these moves to do.
In terms of equipment, you’ll just need two dumbbells. Feel free to pick up whatever weight feels appropriately challenging for you. If you’re a beginner, you may want to start with three- or five-pounders and work your way up. (Here’s a guide for choosing the right weight.) Got your equipment? Keep reading for the best dumbbell arm exercises that’ll be sure to get your muscles shaking.