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Complete Image Manufacturing and C2C Fashion and Technology have announced a collaborative partnership and an exclusive showroom launch, which is set for Feb. 29 in Detroit.

CIM is considered a pioneer in “on-shore” and micro apparel manufacturing.

The companies said in a statement that the collaboration “brings together cutting-edge technology, comprehensive fashion services and a commitment to fostering innovation within the fashion manufacturing industry.”

The unveiling of the Detroit showroom takes place from 6 to 10 p.m. at 1353 East Fisher Freeway. “Guests, including local leaders, designers and industry influencers, will be among the first to witness the state-of-the-art facility during this soft-launch, sneak peek event,” CIM said, adding that it is “dedicated to expanding U.S. apparel manufacturing and invites attendees to explore the new showroom, providing a first look at the innovative strides being made in fashion manufacturing in Detroit.”

C2C Fashion and Technology is the collaborative partner for the software that runs the platform. “C2C’s Business Builder, a powerful ERP/CRM/PLM global tool, allows for efficient control and connectivity across all aspects of the fashion business,” the company said. “From customer service and software as a service to on-the-go business operations and comprehensive tracking of sales, production and inventory, C2C Business Builder is an indispensable resource for the modern fashion industry.”

C2C Business Connect also features a video conferencing platform, “facilitating interactive business connections and information management from a single location, the company said, adding that the platform “features online events, workshops, webinars and an interactive showroom, ensuring seamless collaboration within the global fashion and technology ecosystem.”

C2C Fashion and Technology also offers AI-powered try-on dressing rooms, personal shoppers, fit software and interactive social media.

Complete Image Manufacturing was founded in 2016 and describes itself as “the premier clothing manufacturer located in the City of Detroit” and said its mission is to expand U.S. apparel manufacturing “by providing quality products in a timely manner. We aim to accomplish this by sourcing innovative technology and state-of-the-art machinery.”