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It seems Kristen Stewart and Dylan Meyer are still in the thick of wedding planning. Stewart announced the pair’s engagement on SiriusXM’s “The Howard Stern Show” in November 2021, and since then, we’ve been excited to hear what the super-cute couple have planned for their nuptials.

Naturally, we have a million questions. When will this event of the year take place (because we will clear our schedules to check those Insta Stories)? Will Stewart be wearing Chanel? Who are the lucky folks who will be on the guest list? Luckily, we already have the answers to some of those questions.

Even though Stewart has kept her romance with Meyer (and her past relationships in general) super private, it seems she’s more willing to share details with the public now, and we’re soaking it all up. After all, we’ve seen Stewart get married many times on the big screen – see: that “Breaking Dawn” wedding with Robert Pattinson‘s Edward – so we can’t wait to see how beautiful she looks on her real wedding day to the woman of her dreams.

If you’ve been shipping this couple as much as we have, then scroll through the slides ahead to discover everything we know about Stewart and Meyer’s upcoming wedding.