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Weeds can be a pain – and a happy home base for bugs. While commercial herbicides can get rid of those troublesome visitors, that approach isn’t for everyone. Even if you’re not a savvy environmentalist with a green thumb, you probably know that contaminating your yard with nasty chemicals isn’t ideal, especially if you have kids, pets, or an edible garden nearby. Luckily, we got you covered with a homemade natural weed killer recipe.

This easy-to-make weed killer won’t hurt the earth, but it will stop the weeds from growing in your garden. It also only requires three steps. This natural epsom salt weed killer with vinegar and dawn will slash the weeds in your lawn or even in the cracks of the pavement, with just the spray of a bottle. All the ingredients can be easily found for only a few bucks, and you might already have all of them in your home. It only takes a few minutes to make the mixture, so you can get out in your yard and start spraying away as soon as possible.

Since this is a natural weed killer, meaning there aren’t any hardcore chemicals, you’ll need more than one round of spraying to get the job done. Ahead, we’ve laid out the easy steps for your very own DIY natural weed killer recipe.

Additional reporting by Lauren Harano and Clara Amelia