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Welcome the full moon in Leo! This powerful moon provides us with a spotlight as we star in the best story ever told – our life. Folks with Leo in their sun-sign placements do not shy away from the spotlight. In fact, they desire it and often attract it with little effort. Leo is ruled by the sun, the brightest spotlight in the universe. So, get on that Leo frequency and ride the wave of shedding what you don’t need to make room to live your most luxurious and abundant life. It’s time, and you deserve it.

Embody the energy of the lion, the king of the jungle, who often sits atop its thrown while keeping a watchful eye on others. Like the sun, the lion demands respect and basks in being worshipped. This lights the fire of confidence within, creating space to do just about anything your heart desires and to do it well.

When Is the Full Moon in Leo?

The full moon in Leo peaks on Jan. 25 at 12:53 p.m. ET. This big, bright moon most likely won’t be visible until the sun begins to set. But the energy will already be powerful whether you can see it or not.

What Does the 2024 Full Moon in Leo Mean?

Leo is a fire sign and radiates the warm, vibrant glow of the sun. So, working with the Leo full moon means tapping into our lunar companion as well as the energy of the sun. It’s quite powerful to shed what no longer serves us with the fire of the sun and the fearless Leo full moon. The transmutations and shifts that can occur are limitless.

The phrase “I will” is associated with the full moon in Leo. Embrace it and allow the energy of those two words to carry you through self-doubt, anxiety, worry, and any insecurities trying to hang around. Write it out, then read it out loud, then burn the page, bury it in the earth, or flush it down the toilet, and watch your fears wash away and see them for the illusions they are.

Be aware of that fine line between confidence and arrogance at this time. The lion can easily become arrogant because of its power, but that can come off as insecure. Remain open and willing to learn from others and the world around you while also embracing your strength.

Sometimes less is more, so roaring with no bite will only get you so far. It may just be better to sit still with yourself. This is a great time to say less and focus more on becoming aware of yourself. In other words, don’t talk about it, be about it.

What Is the Spiritual-Cleansing Prayer to Say For January’s Full Moon in Leo?

Great Spirit, I know I have a lot to offer in this life. Help me find the confidence to shine my light despite what others may think of me or what I may think of myself. Guide me in finding a way to shed what no longer serves me so I can focus on what matters in life – love. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So be it.

What Tarot Card Goes Well With the Full Moon in Leo?

Strength – Like the lion, strong and regal, Leo also sits atop a throne.

What Chakra Goes Well With the Full Moon in Leo?

Crown – This is the most powerful chakra for Leo because it is associated with wisdom and understanding and the connection to the divine.

Spiritual-Cleansing Limpia Recipe For the Full Moon in Leo


  • Sunflowers
  • Lemon balm, chamomile, and tarragon herbs
  • Red candle
  • Florida Water
  • Rue Water
  • Dragon’s blood sage
  • Rose, marjoram, and rosemary essential oils
  • Sea salt and pink Himalayan salt
  • Tiger’s eye, ruby, sunstone, and pyrite crystals


  1. It’s the first full moon of 2024, so consider doing a deep clean of your space before spiritually cleansing it. You can add splashes of Florida Water and Rue Water to your cleaning solution to give it an extra boost when mopping, and clean your window frames and paneling around the walls.
  2. Once your space has been physically cleaned, it is time to spiritually cleanse the energy. Burn your Dragon’s blood sage (regular sage is fine too, but Dragon’s blood coincides nicely with the Leo full moon) and allow the smoke to waft around your space and yourself. This will help to ward off any evil or negative influences in your space and your aura, creating the energy of protection and love.
  3. Now, grab a big pot and fill it with water. Place it on the stovetop and bring it to a boil. As it begins boiling, add a few handfuls of the herbs you’d like to use and reduce to a simmer. Simmer for 10-15 minutes on low.
  4. As your herbs are steeping, you can create your Leo full moon altar using a red candle, the sunflowers, and the crystals you feel called to use. Use your intuition to find the perfect spot for your altar.
  5. Once you’ve found the spot, place the candle beside the vase of sunflowers and strategically place your crystals all around. You may feel called to create a crystal grid. Just go with the flow and allow that Leo energy to guide you.
  6. Let’s go back to our pot of herb water: remove it from the heat, and drain it into a large bowl. Now, add a 1/4 cup of sea salt and 1/4 cup of pink Himalayan salt, and mix it with a wooden spoon until it dissolves.
  7. Next, add several drops of essential oils and a few splashes of Florida Water and mix.
  8. Finally, add one splash of Rue Water to deepen the cleansing release of negative and stagnant energy and to banish any evil or mal de ojo that may have been sent your way over the holidays.
  9. The last step is covering your limpia water with sunflower petals. Remember to thank all the ingredients for their cleansing and healing properties every step of the way as you create your limpia.
  10. Carefully carry your bowl to the shower or wherever you intend to gently pour the water over your body. As it rolls down your skin, imagine all that you need to release being washed away for good.
  11. Adorn yourself in your most luxurious post-shower garb. This may be a silky robe or kimono. It may be the coziest, fluffiest winter PJs and socks. Or it may mean walking in your strength and your nakedness. Whatever calls to you! Listen to the roar of the lion calling within.