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What a time to be alive. We are bearing witness to societal shifts and global transformations on a scale that many have not experienced in their lifetime. As a result, it can be easy to feel lost or even helpless amidst all the chaos. Aquarius enters with an air of fresh perspectives, innovation, confidence, and the positive outlook that anything is possible.

The New Moon in Aquarius is the first new moon of 2025, and it arrives with messages of a fresh start. It’s difficult to see or feel positive outcomes when so many lower vibrational forces are at the forefront of everything. But energy shifts at a speed far greater than we can conceptualize in this human experience. Staying present is extremely important right now. Practice makes perfect. So, if you find it challenging to be present, try to notice when you are not to consciously become more present. This is the first step.

New moons provide us with the space to manifest our deepest desires and to dream out loud in bold, bright colors without apology. Shine that beautiful light of yours. This world needs it right now, and Aquarius is the air that will give your wings flight. It is about envisioning a better world for the collective and what role we play in it. It may feel like a tall order, which is why we must live minute by minute, moment by moment, breath by breath, instead of fixating on all the things we could have done better in the past and how we’ll accomplish those things in the future. When we are present, all of our questions are answered, and the fog will lift from in front of us to reveal more clarity on our path.

When is the 2025 New Moon in Aquarius?

The New Moon in Aquarius peaks on Jan. 29 at 7:36 a.m. ET. This is a great day to get an early start and set your new moon intentions.

What is the Meaning of the 2025 New Moon in Aquarius?

Aquarius is an air sign, although it is often mistaken for a water sign due to the “aqua” in its name, and the water bearer symbolizes it. This air sign is quite powerful and represents thought, communication, and socialization. When the Aquarius new moon peaks, we can really focus on who we are in this world. It shines a light on what role we play in society, friendships, family, work, and spirituality. It is the sign that professes that we shine brightest in union with others.

Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and structure, rules Aquarius. So, on the new moon, when we can manifest great things and set intentions to bring our dreams into reality, it’s time to get focused. This is not a time to shy away from speaking out loud to the universe about what you want to see in your life and humanity overall. Focus on what you want and not what you don’t want. Remember that words and thoughts are extremely powerful and will produce more of whatever you are contemplating most.

What is the Spiritual-Cleansing Prayer for the New Moon in Aquarius?

God, I feel so helpless and lost in the current state of this world. I want to save everyone who is hurting or scared, but I know I can’t do it alone. Guide me, Spirit. Show me the path that leads to other like-minded souls who want to create more harmony in this world. I want to lead with love, not hate. I want to see others succeed while my wildest dreams come to life. Let us lift each other and celebrate our differences. Allow our interconnectedness to everything to be felt deeply by those who are so lost they fear they can never find their way again. I surrender this burden to you as it is getting too heavy to carry alone. I lean into my faith and my spirit team to assist me in discovering how I can help this world heal because I know it is possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So, be it.

What Chakra Goes With the New Moon in Aquarius?

Third Eye – Tap into that inner knowing to discover how great this life can get despite the challenges.

What Tarot Card Coincides with the New Moon in Aquarius?

The Star – Wish upon a star as it symbolizes your belief in hope, optimism, humanity, and the greater good.

Spiritual Baño Ritual for the New Moon in Aquarius


Florida Water


Palo Santo

Sea salt

Herbs: chamomile, nettle, ginger

Essential oils: neroli, bergamot, lemon

Crystals: amethyst, garnet, aquamarine

Candle: blue or green

Flowers: orchids, birds of paradise, or violas


1. Cleanse your space with sage, followed by Palo Santo. Allow the sacred smoke to flow around your room and yourself to clear the energy.

2. Begin filling your bath with warm water. Gather all your beautiful baño ingredients to begin adding to the water as it fills.

3. Next, add 1-2 cups of sea salt to the water and mix it with your hands until it’s dissolved. Speak into the water as you do this. It has memory!

4. Add three handfuls of herbs, several drops of essential oil, and a few splashes of Florida Water. Breathe deeply and set your intentions.

5. Cover your baño with flower petals to invite high-frequency love vibes to heal your soul from past traumas and create space for manifestations.

6. Grab a vase for the rest of your flowers and tap into your intuition to know where to place it. Surround it with crystals and light your candle. This will be your New Moon in Aquarius altar. Feel free to place whatever else you feel called to, like photos, momentos, etc.

7. Soak in your bath for 20-to-40 minutes and allow yourself to air dry if you can. If not, pat dry with a towel before returning to your new moon altar area. You can pray, set intentions, sing, dance, meditate, or journal. This is your sacred space. Enjoy.

Zayda Rivera is a PS contributor. She has been a professional writer for more than 20 years. Z is a certified Reiki Master-Teacher, yoga and Zumba instructor, mindfulness and meditation guide, tarot reader, and spiritual mentor.