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The new moon in Libra is a gentle nudge to find balance amid supermoons and eclipses. The solar eclipse that coincides with this new moon will highlight relationships, so be on guard for any tumultuous energy with others. The solar eclipse in Libra won’t happen again for another 18 years, so utilize the power to transform yourself and your interactions with others.

The Pisces full moon was a supermoon that guided us deeply inward for reflection and introspection. We also experienced the energy of a lunar eclipse, which shakes things up and really helps us examine the good, the bad, and everything that exists in between. More supermoons are to come later in October and November, making it important for us to find our grounding and balance as we navigate these busy astrological transits. New moons provide the opportunity for us to set intentions and focus on the things we wish to manifest in our lives. It’s a time when meditation is important especially if you’re unsure of what you want. Diving inward can help you to find the answers you seek. Energy healing and even tarot readings are powerful tools that can assist in bringing clarity if you are at a crossroads. Movement can help release pent up energy and tension in the physical body, which can strengthen your spiritual connection. Utilize this time and power to truly transform your life.

If you’ve been leaning too much on spiritual work and feel disconnected to your physical world, include some form of community in your life. Gather with friends, enjoy a show, and be social. Tap into that Libra energy to find the socialite within. On the flip side, if you’ve been too social and not spending enough time on self-care and self-love, take an intentional pause to focus on yourself and what you need. Honor you. This is what Libra provides. The balanced scales of life. We all go off kilter at certain times in our lives. And that’s ok. Now, it’s time to straighten that crown and walk with confidence shining in that beautiful light of yours.

When Is the 2024 New Moon in Libra?

The New Moon in Libra peaks on Oct. 2 at 2:49 p.m. ET around the same time of the solar eclipse. If you have the afternoon free, cozy up with your journal and write a wishlist or go outside and take a mindful walk as you think about the things you’re grateful for and what you wish to invite in.

What Is the Meaning of the 2024 New Moon in Libra?

During the Libra New Moon, the universe gifts us with space to set intentions and wishes for things to enter our physical lives. The seventh zodiac sign is represented by the scales, which symbolize our need for balance in life. Libra is ruled by fairness, which, in addition to balance, involves equality, and the appreciation for opposite viewpoints. If you feel resistant to other’s ideas and opinions, you could wish to gain a better understanding and openness to other people’s perspectives.

Libra also rules harmony, and this is specific to our environment and our space. If you feel your home or workspace is lacking something, you can set intentions to start including things that are decorative and define your personality. Little things like art, flowers, and decor that make you feel good can easily uplift your space and you. This also includes being authentically you in all of your daily interactions, whether in person or not. Grow into you and be happy about what you bring into the world and to those you love and care for, and even the light you provide to complete strangers by just being authentic.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, pleasure, and money. This air sign likes to flow through a harmonious life, making social connections along the way that create long-lasting friendships and great working relationships, too. As the ruler of sociability and teamwork, Libra is all about giving and receiving support, collaboration, and healthy, supportive relationships. Overall, Libras love getting along with all sorts of people. If you desire more of this in your life you can wish for successful collaborations and loving relationships to enter your life. These could be new or the refinement and elevation of existing relationships.

Remember to pamper yourself during this beautiful moon and solar eclipse. Libra rules refinement, which includes luxury, elegance, and grace. Find that in your energy and shine a spotlight on it, giving yourself permission to indulge in the things that you enjoy and that are good for you.

For health, focus on the adrenal glands, kidneys, and buttocks. For anyone who is diabetic, you can pull in the energy of this moon to help you heal.

What Is the Spiritual Cleansing Prayer to Say During the New Moon in Libra?

Great Mystery, ease my running mind that is always trying to figure things out ten steps ahead. I pray for balance to enter my life so I can find the sweet spot between everyday tasks and the pleasures of life. I want to be a hard worker doing what I love to do and be spiritually sound. Help me to find the way. Light my path as brightly as you see fit right now. And for the road ahead I cannot see, give me strength and inner peace to trust that I am safe. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So, be it.

What Tarot Card Goes Well With the New Moon in Libra?

Justice – Like Libra, the Justice card in the zodiac represents fairness and balance.

Which Chakra Coincides With the New Moon in Libra?

Heart – Libras have a big heart and enjoy connections with others.

Spiritual Baño Recipe for the New Moon in Libra


Roses (any color)


Palo Santo

Florida Water

Essential oils: cypress, chamomile, lavender

Herbs: elderberry, bergamot, thyme

Crystals: opal, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, tourmaline

Red candle

Pink Himalayan salt

Sea salt


1. Begin by cleaning your space. We just entered a new season so it’s a good idea to physically clean your space before spiritually cleansing it.

2. Next, burn some sage followed by palo santo and allow the flowing smoke to represent the air element of Libra. Invite the Libra energy into your space and call in your ancestors and Spirit to assist. Thank the sacred herb and tree for their healing properties.

3. Then, fill your bathtub with warm water and add 1-2 cups of Pink Himalayan and sea salt. Mix it in with your hands as you sing, pray, and speak your wishes and intentions out loud. Thank the salts for their cleansing properties and the removal of stuck energy and toxins.

4. Now, add some herbs, a few splashes of Florida Water, and several drops of essential oils. Mix it all in with your hands and show gratitude for what you’re creating. God’s already sprinkling magic in there too!

5. Next, cover the top of your baño with roses. Add as many you’d like. Remember that roses have the highest frequency of any flower and can truly heal your spirit. So, the more the better! But save some of your flowers for a New Moon in Libra altar.

6. Before you get into your baño, create an altar honoring this new moon and solar eclipse. Light your candle and place crystals around it with a vase of roses at a safe distance. You can charge your altar by placing a list of your intentions and wishes there too.

7. Soak in your bath for 20 to 40 minutes before air drying or drying with a white towel. Journal, listen to music, meditate, or just get a really good night’s sleep to honor what your body, mind, and spirit needs.

Zayda Rivera is a PS Contributor. She has been a professional writer for more than 20 years. Z is a certified Reiki Master-Teacher, yoga and Zumba instructor, mindfulness and meditation guide, tarot reader, and spiritual mentor