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TikTok’s impressive ability to coin new terms has introduced us to yet another viral self-care trend: “bed rotting.” While it’s not exactly the most pleasant sounding term, bed rotting is actually among the more relatable practices to emerge from the platform – especially when compared to more questionable fads like the sugar pregnancy test and “British” dish washing. In fact, there’s a good chance you already have experience with the trend. But what exactly is bed rotting, and more importantly, can it actually make you feel better, the way TikTok claims?

You know bed rotting if you’ve ever spent several hours deep in your duvet, aimlessly scrolling on your phone in an attempt to rest and recharge. It might be a relaxing way to pass the time every now and then, but experts say it probably won’t do wonders for your mental health in the long run. To learn more about bed rotting and its effects on mental health, we asked mental health experts to weigh in. Read on to see what they had to say, plus a few of their recommendations for stress relief (no rotting required).

Experts Featured in This Article:

Cassandra Boduch, MD, is a board-certified psychiatrist and chief medical officer at PsychPlus.

Reena Patel, LEP, BCBA, is a parenting expert, positive psychologist, and licensed educational board-certified behavior analyst.

Helene D’Jay, MS, LPC, is a licensed professional counselor and the executive director of young adult services at Newport Healthcare.

What Is Bed Rotting?

It might seem self-explanatory, but bed rotting involves laying in bed all day by choice, says Cassandra Boduch, MD. Making the decision to sit and “rot” in bed is the key element. The idea is that you’re actively choosing unproductive activities, such as watching Netflix or online shopping – taking the entire day off to fully relax and rejuvenate from the comfort of your bed. It’s almost like taking a mental health day, Dr. Boduch says, but it can involve taking the day off work or school, or just choosing to stay in and give yourself a social break on a weekend. Bed rotting is usually done in the name of self-care or in an effort to recharge one’s social battery; staying home out of necessity (due to illness or injury) doesn’t count.

Bed rotting recently went viral on TikTok, but the concept is nothing new. “If you are running at full capacity for so long without the break, you will hit a wall,” says Reena Patel, LEP, BCBA. “It’s important to allow yourself this space to give yourself a break before burnout hits,” she explains.

Is Bed Rotting Beneficial?

For some. Bed rotting can be beneficial under the right circumstances, Dr. Boduch says. “Ask yourself: ‘Can I afford to miss this day of work or am I creating problems by skipping out on the day?'” And be honest. If you need to take a mental health day knowing you’ll go in the next day, refreshed and ready to take on whatever comes your way, that’s OK, Dr. Boduch says. In fact, there may actually be some good associated with rest and reset (imagine that). According to Patel, some benefits of bed rotting may include:

  • Improved mood
  • Ability to focus
  • Improved sleep
  • Muscle recovery

“Many people live their lives with a long running to-do list and are constantly on the go, which is great and can be rewarding. However, there comes a time when you have to reset,” Patel says. “It’s so important to your health and well-being to honor this time so you can go back to your normal busy schedule with clarity and energy after a proper reset.” Spending a little extra time in bed can help you do just that.

When Does Bed Rotting Become Concerning?

While the occasional bed rot can be refreshing, it’s generally not beneficial in the long run, D’Jay says. “Engaging in prolonged periods of inactivity can lead to physical discomfort, worsened mental health symptoms, and hindered personal growth and development,” she explains. “Taking an occasional day of rest can be beneficial and can help someone slow down a hectic life and recharge, but when it is done regularly as a form of escape from responsibilities or a habit, it can be detrimental both physically and psychologically.” Watch out for habits that make it hard for you to maintain daily routines, fulfill responsibilities, keep up with self-care routines, and engage in activities that promote well-being, D’Jay advises. Some drawbacks to consistent bed rotting may include:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Social anxiety
  • Feelings of loneliness

Bed rotting can also be harmful to your personal and professional life. “If, by skipping out on work, you are self-sabotaging your career, then rethink your day in bed,” Dr. Boduch says. Not to mention, languishing in bed all day can disrupt a healthy sleep schedule. Ultimately, balance is key, so if you’re spending more than a day or two bed rotting, it may be time to examine what’s really going on, Dr. Boduch says.

What to Do Instead of Bed Rotting

The good news is that there are tons of self-care techniques that can be just as relaxing as bed rotting (if not more so). Try going for a walk with friends, cooking your favorite meal, meditating, reading a good book, doing some breathwork, listening to music, or calling a friend or family member, Patel suggests. Establishing a daily routine and setting achievable goals can also be beneficial, D’Jay adds.

It’s also important to reflect on why you’re choosing to stay in bed all day, D’Jay says. “If you are unsure and recognize that something may be wrong, consider seeing a therapist,” she advises. “If bed rotting is linked to underlying emotional issues or mental health conditions, professional support can be beneficial in addressing these concerns.”

The Bottom Line

Bed rotting can be restful and rejuvenating every once in a while. Just be mindful that the practice can also be an isolating experience that may exacerbate existing mental health conditions like depression, Dr. Boduch says. “Surround yourself with people you love and trust, and if after a day or two you are still bed rotting, it’s time to reexamine your self-care strategy,” she says.

– Additional reporting by Chandler Plante

Andi Breitowich is a Chicago-based freelance writer and graduate from Emory University and Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. Her work has appeared in PS, Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere.

Chandler Plante is an assistant editor for PS Health & Fitness. Previously, she worked as an editorial assistant for People magazine and contributed to Ladygunn, Millie, and Bustle Digital Group. In her free time, she overshares on the internet, creating content about chronic illness, beauty, and disability.