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Whether you know every intricate detail about your birth chart or you couldn’t care less about astrology, you’ve likely heard a thing or two about Scorpios. Known for being intense, moody, mysterious, and toxic, the Scorpio personality tends to get a bad reputation. But Scorpios are so much more than what the internet says.

As the ninth sign of the zodiac, Scorpios have a lot of emotions. Sure, they may be adamant users of the silent treatment, but they also love to feel. Some of the more positive Scorpio traits actually include their loyalty and passion for those who are closest to them. As a water sign, this means they tend to act emotional and intuitive . . . for better or for worse.

To know more about some key Scorpio personality traits, professional astrologer Tara Bennet shares everything there is to know about these scorpions below.

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Tara Bennet is a professional astrologer for Mediumchat, a spiritual platform where you can connect with psychics, mediums, card readers, and more.

What Is a Scorpio?

Scorpio is the ninth sign of the zodiac. If your birthday falls during Scorpio season, which is from Oct. 22 to Nov. 21 this year, your zodiac sign is Scorpio. Ruled by Pluto, the god of the underworld, and Mars, the god of war, Scorpio is “the darkest and most powerful sign,” Bennet says. “A Scorpio’s dream is to be in total control and master of all,” she adds.

What Are Key Scorpio Personality Traits?

Scorpios are fiercely loyal. Even though trust might not come easy for a Scorpio, when they do trust you, their loyalty is “unwavering,” Bennet says. “If you’re looking for someone to help you bury a body, Scorpio’s your person.”

Scorpios are protective. As protectors of the realm (read: zodiac), Scorpios want to keep those closest to them safe. If they sense even the smallest problems, they will do “everything within their power to protect their nearest and dearest,” Bennet adds.

Scorpios are fearless. “They are the bravest of all the signs,” Bennet says. Their ability to overcome obstacles and hurdles is unmatched.

What Are Scorpio Weaknesses?

Scorpios are masters of revenge. Known for being vengeful, you never want to get on a Scorpio’s bad side, Bennet says. “For them, it’s all about timing, and they’re willing to wait to cause the most pain and damage.”

Scorpios are obsessive. Yes, Scorpios are passionate, but they can also be obsessive. Whether it comes to a new project, a romantic interest, or perfecting the best Halloween costume, “every waking moment is consumed thinking about their obsession,” Bennet says.

Scorpios are controlling. Scorpios like things done their way. In some cases, they may use people in order to get what they want. “They’re puppet masters, moving people to fit their desires, and working in the shadows to turn their wants into reality,” Bennet says.

What’s It Like For a Scorpio in Love?

Before you refuse to date a Scorpio, know that Scorpios can be great partners. Thanks to their passion and loyalty, you won’t ever doubt a Scorpio’s love for you. That said, they can be controlling and jealous. “Scorpios can quickly become overwhelmed with jealousy,” Bennet says. They want to be the center of your attention.

On a positive note, Scorpios are great in bed. As Bennet calls it, they are the “sex gods of the zodiac.” If you ever want to explore a new kink or role-play scenario, Scorpios are likely down to try whatever it is you’re in the mood for. “They are quick to tap into their darker, more wicked side,” Bennet says.

Taylor Andrews is a balance editor at PS who specializes in topics relating to sex, relationships, dating, sexual health, mental health, and more.