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Although “getting your pink back” may sound like a line from the “Barbie” movie, it’s actually a metaphor resonating with postpartum women all over TikTok. The phrase comes from what happens to flamingos when they raise their offspring: their vibrant color is dulled or sometimes completely depleted because all of their energy and nutrients goes toward their babies. As the chicks grow older and become more independent, however, the flamingos get their color back.

Postpartum women can relate to this journey. From sleepless nights and seemingly endless diaper changes to feelings of isolation and postpartum depression, it can be easy for new moms to feel like they’ve lost themselves in the beginning stages of motherhood. But in many cases, eventually, new moms learn how to balance their needs and rediscover their passions, getting their pink back.

While the concept itself isn’t new, social media influencer Lindsey Gurk branded the phrase by launching her company Get Your Pink Back, a clothing line created to remind postpartum women that they will eventually get their pink back in motherhood.


Thank you all for being part of this incredible “flamboyance” with me and for supporting one another🦩🥹 Editing this was an emotional, yet WONDERFUL experience… and I’m just so appreciative. GET YOUR PINK BACK!!!!! 🦩(just restocked 😁) #getyourpinkback

♬ original sound – Lindsey Gurk

“If you’re feeling not quite like yourself, maybe you’re feeling a little bit drained, just keep in mind you’re doing it all for your chicks. You’re doing it for your children,” Gurk says in a viral TikTok. “Just like the flamingo is able to balance on one leg, which should actually be impossible considering the size of their legs and the size of their body, you will not crumble underneath the weight of it all, and we will get our pink back.”

Below, we’ve rounded up a list of quotes from postpartum women that we spoke with personally on how they are working to get their pink back. Let the below serve as inspiration and a healthy reminder that although you may have no idea where your color went, your pink will always be there for when you’re ready to find it again.

How to Get Your Pink Back, According to Postpartum Women

“I didn’t start getting my pink back until I was done breastfeeding. When I was breastfeeding, I felt like my body was no longer my own. The baby is the priority, not you. Because of this, I really felt like I lost a part of myself. But once I stopped, I got Botox, and it was a decision that I made for only my own benefit. I didn’t have to think of how it would impact my babies, and it had nothing to do with their own happiness or contentment. It was something I was able to do for just me and myself – something I could do to take my own body back,” – Genevieve, 34.

I made daily walks mandatory. It was something I did pre-pregnancy and all during my pregnancy. Walking makes me feel so good.” – Alanna, 29.

“I love to golf. Knowing that it would probably be harder to get out on the course with a newborn, I joined a weekly ladies league that started when my son was 6 weeks old. It was great. I got to play with other women, stay for a great meal afterward, and my son got some bonding time with daddy while I was out of the house.” – Calee, 31

“When I had my second child, I was struggling and having trouble sleeping. I knew I wasn’t the person or mom I wanted to be, so I reached out to my doctor and let her know I needed help and support. I took her suggestions and tried a low dose of Zoloft in combination with therapy, and I honestly feel the best I have mentally in a long time. – Kacie, 32

I’m prioritizing myself by not people pleasing. If I don’t feel like having visitors, I just say it. Also, I made intentions to take time for myself and do what I needed to do to prioritize my mental health. This included doing things like my nails and makeup. It has let me take that time for myself and makes me feel more like myself.” – Kathryn, 32.

“I have shown horses my whole life. When my daughter was a year and half, I bought a horse to show again and started working out to feel better about myself and to show better. Six months later, I went to a show in Vegas, won my class, and felt like I belonged there again. Although it’s obviously different and takes a hell of a lot bigger village to get it all done, I can finally say I have my pink back.” – Terra, 32

“My body changed quite a bit after having two kids back to back. Everything seemed too small, so I tended to buy things way too big. When I was ready to start feeling myself, I bought pieces of clothing that actually fit me well while also flattering my new found figure. Having clothes that fit me made me feel good and made me way more confident.” – Megan 27

Taylor Andrews is a Balance editor at PS who specializes in topics relating to sex, relationships, dating, sexual health, mental health, and more. In her six years working in editorial, she’s written about how semen is digested, why sex aftercare is the move, and how the overturn of Roe killed situationships.